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Social and emotional development in children includes identifying and understanding their own feelings Essay Example

Social and emotional development in children includes identifying and understanding their own feelings, accurately reading and comprehending the feelings of others, managing strong emotions, regulating their own behavior, developing empathy for others, and establishing and sustaining relationships. I support positive emotional development by interact with children compassionately, showing consideration for their feelings and needs, expressing interest in their daily activities, respecting their point of view, and providing encouragement and support with kind words during stressful times. Classroom environments should enable teachers the time to focus on each individual child. Small groups in classrooms help children in a more focused, attentive way, and promote meaningful interactions with one another. I would like for the children and parents to find me approachable and comfortable to talk to. I form a strong bond with the children and parents by welcoming, openly communicating and sharing their child’s exciting day with them, so that they may feel comforted and protected while in they, or their child, is in my care. High quality early education school is organized in ways that allow children to form close, sustained relationships with teachers and encourage positive interactions with peers. Small group sizes and high adult-child ratios, professional development, and other aspects of the program are arranged toward achieving strong relationships. These components have been associated with positive social and emotional outcomes for children, including greater compliance, sociability, attention, self-regulation, and peer relations as well as lower rates of negative affect and behavior problems. Children cared for by teachers who are highly involved and invested during their preschool years are less likely to display behavior problems and demonstrate increased social skills throughout elementary school.A child’s ability to learn and to function as a contributing member of society rests heavily on the development of social competency and emotional health that begins at birth and is greatly influenced during the preschool years. Preschool programs that pursue the highest standards of quality will contribute substantially to this development.